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Does the Creator anchor support USB-CDC-EEM or Ethernet emulation over USB?

The Creator anchor doesn't support USB-CDC-EEM or Ethernet emulation over USB. For a scalable setup with Ethernet communication, we recommend to use our Enterprise solution.
If you want to stay with the Creator product, you can also use a Raspberry Pi and use the pypozyx library to communicate with the Creator anchor and relay the information over the Raspberry Pi ethernet connection.

Does the tag provide uncertainty information about localization (covariance)?

The tags do not provide information about uncertainty.

Can you give information about the used algorithms?

We don't provide details about the algorithms we have implemented. The POZYX_POS_ALG_UWB_ONLY algorithm only uses the transmitted UWB signals. The POZYX_POS_ALG_TRACKING algorithm also uses sensor data to build a mathematical model in order to determine the position. The POZYX_POS_ALG_LS uses a least squares optimalisation but in general the performance is worse than for the other two options, hence we don't recommend it.

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