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Release 2023.1.0

Release date

March 13, 2023

Release version


Release alias

CRC release

Release note

v1 (March 29, 2023)

About release 2023.1.0

The 2023.1.0 release includes software support for Pozyx tags including CRC code. The CRC is a 3 digit code that is appended at the back of the UWB-ID (first 8 digits) for each Industrial Tag. The 3 digits of the CRC code are related to the data matrix and calculated based on the UWB-ID. The CRC can be used to determine whether the data matrix is related to a Pozyx tag or not. The tag will appear with the full number (UWB ID + CRC) in our application.

What do I need?

To see the effects of this change, you need an Industrial Tag with an 11 digit ID.

How to get the new release

Please create a ticket on to get your Pozyx system upgraded. To have the new release installed, your gateways needs an internet connection. The Pozyx Support team will upgrade your system remotely.

New features

This release does not include any new features.

Other changes

  • Minor bug fixes

  • Improved performance


For support or additional questions regarding this release please contact us through

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