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Installing with internet access

Before starting with the installation of the positioning server it’s important to understand the network interfaces and network requirements of the Pozyx RTLS: Network interfaces & requirements.


  1. Plug in the power adapter of the positioning server. The standard server uses a 12V power adapter, the compact positioning server uses a 5V power adapter. The positioning server will automatically turn on. Both servers have a LED which will turn blue to indicate that the server is powered on. On the standard positioning server this LED is located on the front, on the compact positioning server this LED is located next to the power port.

  2. Connect the positioning server to the internet by plugging in an ethernet cable in the uplink network port (Network interfaces & requirements).

  3. Go to the Pozyx web application:

  4. Sign up or log in to an existing account.

  5. Click on Add new setup.

  6. Choose Enterprise.

  7. Choose a name and enter the positioning server ID. This can be found on the label on the positioning server.

  8. Click on Add setup.

  9. You are now logged in and can continue with installing the anchors.

If the setup application indicates that it cannot find the positioning server, then probably the server didn't connect properly to the internet. Please follow the instructions from the Installing without internet access page.

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